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  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan
  • Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki | 75mm・3" | Knife Japan

Minomo Hamono Classic Kawamuki 75mm

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Product Description

Japanese fruit-eaters rarely take their prey as it comes. Fruit must be peeled and cut into modest portions, arranged on a plate and speared by (or at least served with) toothpicks. Then, POW. The fruit disappears, and only clean fingers remain.

Peeling and slicing provides a great opportunity for the kawamuki owner to show off her skills. His skills. Their skills. Persimmons must be peeled. Apples must be apportioned. Seeds must be segregated. In snack terms not as straightforward as a chocolate Tim Tam but infinitely better in every other way.

There's nothing quite like knife-peeled segments of juicy seasonal persimmon artfully arranged on an evocative chunk of ceramic, steam rising gently from the green tea in the afternoon light. 

Savour the moment. Muku that kawa. With a Minomo Hamono kawamuki. 

Blade steel: YSS Aogami#2 | nantetsu
Bevel: Ryōba double bevel
Blade construction: Warikomi
Left-handed available: Handle and blade suit both hands
Handle: Hounoki (Magnolia)
Ferrule: Plastic
Blade length: 75mm
Overall length: 205mm
Blade height: 35mm
Blade spine: 3mm
Handle length: 119mm
Handle width: 24mm x 18mm
Weight in hand: 64g

 Minomo Kajiya, Kumamoto

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1796年創業!226年間包丁を作り続けてきた日本の鍛冶職人 09:56

? 蓑毛マルイチ鍛冶屋 0966-24-2597 https://minomokajiya.wixsite.com/home https://goo.gl/maps/jcgr47NNt2XD5w5e7 ? お問い合せ : processx2@gmail.com ? Copyright(C) 2022. Processx. all rights reserved.

  • 1796年創業!226年間包...
    ? 蓑毛マルイチ鍛冶屋 0966-24-2597 https://minomokajiya.wixsite.com/home...

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