Nakamura Hamono / Oita


Nakamura Hamono has been around a long time. Fortunately even for the numerically-challenged figuring out just how long is nice and easy.

The starting point was the year 1900, when Nakamura Eiji began to forge his own path. Following training under a swordsmith in nearby Nakasu city he set up on his own to serve the local community in and around Nojiyama. Like many modern knife makers around Japan the company's early products were connected to the land and farming - sickles primarily, and later the tools required for cutting wara, the thatch straw used as roofing material for Japanese country homes.

Today Nakamura Cutlery produces a range of uniquely creative knives from fine steels, combining practical functionality with a deeply Japanese aesthetic.

An aside. They say if you want to know a man look at his shoes. We say look at the house he built. The Nakamura home in Oita prefecture is a wonderfully traditional Japanese design, craftsman-built of the finest timbers. We see the same philosophy in their products: pride, pleasure and practicality.


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